During the early 1900s, warehouses and grain terminals lined Tacoma’s Thea Foss waterway. The Northern Pacific lost its grip on rail services and wharf space in Tacoma, following the Supreme court’s decision of 1904. Various railroads made transcontinental connections to Commencement Bay, including the Great Northern Railway, Union Pacific Railroad, and Milwaukee Road. In 1912, the Northern Pacific and the Union Pacific competed to build Union Station.
Tacoma bought the water system started by Northern Pacific president Charles B. Wright and Wright’s electric company. Meanwhile, the railroad developed Tacoma’s waterfront and promoted Tacoma’s future. Tacoma grew because of the railroad. Tacoma Land Company set aside land for parks and handed property management over to the city.
The city constructed a hydroelectric scheme on the Nisqually River and a water system on the Green River. Mayor Angelo Fawcett convinced Northern Pacific to give up some of its real estates for the Municipal Dock, then linked to downtown by the 11th Street Bridge. Real estate speculators used federal laws to take almost three-fourths of the Puyallup Reservation for industrial development.
These fascinating historical photos show Tacoma in the 1900s. Also check, what Tacoma looked like in the 1880s and 1890s.
#1 The Bostwick, Tacoma, 1900

It is viewed from its narrowest point, at 755-751 St. Helens Avenue, the intersection of St. Helens Avenue, Ninth Street, and C Street. The building was built in 1889, Proctor & Dennis, architects. A poster advertising a performance of Arabian Nights is visible by a utility pole in the foreground.
#2 Keg room, Pacific Brewery, Tacoma, 1905
#3 Pacific Avenue South from Ninth Street, Tacoma, 1908
#4 Washington State Armory, Tacoma, 1908
#5 Tacoma Public Library, 1907
#6 Tacoma tideflats, 1900
#7 Elevated view looking west on Eleventh Street in downtown Tacoma, 1908
#8 Whitworth College, Tacoma, 1907
#9 Perkins Building, Tacoma, 1908

View looking south on A Street. The Perkins Building, which formerly housed the Tacoma Ledger and Daily News office, is left. The Federal Building and Post Office is under construction on the right. Pedestrians are visible on the sidewalk to the left and crossing the Street. A man stands on top of a horse-drawn wagon in the distance.
#10 Tacoma Grocery Co., Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1905
#11 Farm near Tacoma, 1901
#12 Tacoma Gas Company Employees and Wagon, 1908
#13 Asbury M. E. Church, Tacoma, 1900
#14 Locomotive #924 at N.P. shop in Tacoma, 1909
#15 Tacoma-Perkins Bldg, architectural rendering, 1906
#16 N.P.R.R. Hospital, Tacoma, 1909

The building was built in 1905 A.H. Stem, architect of Reed & Stem, and demolished in 1973. Three men are sitting by a small covered, open-sided structure in front of the hospital, in the image centre. A United States Postal Service collection box is nearby. Dirt roads are in the foreground.
#17 Point Defiance Park, Tacoma, 1900
#18 Snoqualmie Falls Power Company, transformer house, Tacoma, 1909

It is a three-story brick building with arched windows along the sides, a Classical style pediment at the roofline, with a roof running along the roofline of the long side. The windows are tall and arched, with panes and sashes. Entryways on either end are reached by stairs at the lower back and are at street level at the upper end. Over the center of the building is the word Snoqualmie.
#19 Birschell-Spillman Company carousel, probably Tacoma, 1905
#20 Bernhard’s Dry Goods and Mary E. Cunningham millinery store, Tacoma, 1900
#21 Tacoma Hotel, 1908
#22 Pierce County Courthouse, Tacoma, 1905
#23 Match factory in Tacoma, 1900
#24 Central School Tacoma, 1903
#25 The transfer ferry, Tacoma, 1905
#26 Tacoma High School cadets, 1906
#27 Seeing Tacoma streetcar, 1909
#28 Streetcar of the Tacoma Railway and Power Company stopped at 54th and South Tacoma Way in Tacoma, 1905

There are two uniformed men in the picture, one standing on the ground next to the front step of the streetcar and the other at the top of the front step. There is another man with a pipe standing near the controls of the streetcar and one standing on the back steps. There are other people barely visible inside the car. Behind the streetcar is a corner drugstore. On the outside wall of the drugstore building is a possibly waiting area for the streetcar, which has several advertisements on its side.
#29 A Fruit Ranch Near Tacoma, 1906
#30 Employees in Tacoma Mill Co. Office, Tacoma, 1900
#31 Tacoma Harbor Scene, 1908
#32 Tacoma High School cadets, 1906

Black and white image of a group of cadets in front of Tacoma High School (Now Stadium High School), Tacoma, Pierce County, WA. The uniformed cadets stand in two lines at attention in order arms formation. A note on the back indicates that Henry Foss is seventh from the right in the second section.
#33 Carman Manufacturing Co., Tacoma, 1907
#34 First Methodist Church, Tacoma, 1900
#35 Second Methodist Episcopal Church, Tacoma, 1900
#36 View of the transfer ferry “Tacoma”, 1905
#37 Bismark Methodist Episcopal Church, Tacoma, 1900
#38 Loading Lumber at Tacoma Mill, 1909
#39 Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church, Tacoma, 1900
#40 Wright Park, Tacoma, 1905
#41 Mary Salscheider, Tacoma, 1900
#42 Streetcar no. 107, Tacoma Railway & Power Company, 1905
#43 Grant School, Tacoma, 1909
#44 Entire Gas Plant [Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Co., 2101-2201 South A Street, Tacoma, 1908
#45 Loading Timber at Tacoma Mill, 1909
#46 N. P. Car shops, Tacoma, 1900
#47 Tacoma Coal Bunkers, 1900
#48 St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal Church, Tacoma, 1900
#49 Rose Carnival Parade, Tacoma, 1905

Four women and one male driver are seated in an open carriage decorated with roses. The following names of the women are written on the back of the mounted photograph: Marie Bourgaize, Mary Thomson, Suzy Garrettson, Julia Harris. The women all wear elaborate hats, and the driver wears a top hat.
#50 Fern Hill Methodist Episcopal Church, Tacoma, 1900
#51 Woman and horse, Tacoma, 1900
#52 Street scene of downtown Tacoma, 1900
#53 Mail, Express, Baggage Railroad Car no. 550, Tacoma Railway & Power Company, 1902
#54 Mr Darland, Conductor, Streetcar no. 11, Tacoma Railway & Power Company, 1905
#55 Fleet Entering Tacoma Harbor, 1908
#56 Puget Sound Electric Railway Train at Tacoma Station, 1904
#57 McKinley Park Methodist Episcopal Church, Tacoma, 1900
#58 Conservatory, Wright Park, Tacoma, 1909
#59 Stilson-Kellogg Shoe Co., Tacoma, 1905
#60 B & B Crew at Tacoma wharf, Tacoma, 1900
#61 Pierce County Courthouse, Tacoma, 1907
#62 Northern Pacific Railway Transfer ferry ‘Tacoma’, 1905
#63 Entrance to Wright Park, Tacoma, 1908
#64 Tacoma Railway and Power Company streetcar at 54th and South Tacoma Way, 1905

There are two uniformed men at the front of the car. One is on the lower step and one above the degrees. The individual in uniform with a handlebar moustache standing above the steps has a name written on the black mounting paper above him indicating that he is "Chas. Daniels". A man in a bowler hat is standing on the bottom step of the rear entrance to the streetcar and their other people inside. There are wooden buildings located behind the streetcar.
#65 mail wagon in Tacoma, 1908
#66 Girl in Carriage Decorated for Parade, Tacoma, 1905

She appears to have white fur around her shoulders and over the seat. An umbrella canopy of flowers and foliage covers her head and covers her feet. A girl and a small boy are standing on the curb by the horse's head. Three women and three men stand on the hotel veranda by the Street.
#67 John W. Linck Mayor of Tacoma, 1908
#68 Grace Church & Parsonage, Tacoma, 1900

Grace Methodist Episcopal Church and parsonage were located on East 30th between Portland Avenue and R. The church was a small one-story L-Shaped building. A woman and three children are on the steps leading to the church entrance. Other children are looking out the front window.
#69 John R. Arkley residence, Tacoma, 1904
#70 Old Danish church in Tacoma, 1905
#71 Seattle-Tacoma Interurban Railroad Car, 1900
#72 North Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, 1907
#73 California Wine House, Tacoma, 1901
#74 Schooner, Thomas F. Bayard, at Tacoma, 1905
#75 Tacoma H. S. Cadets / winning competitive / drill, 1904
#76 Library in Residence of Mr Ralph Metcalf, Tacoma,1906
#77 Puget Sound Electric Railway Depot at Tacoma Station, 1904
#78 Lorenz Hansen home, 1602 South L Street, Tacoma, 1905
#79 Bridge & Lake, Wright Park, Tacoma, 1908
#80 St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company parade float, 1909
#81 Flat working car of the Tacoma Railway and Power Company stopped on Pacific Street in Tacoma, 1902
#82 Pile driver and tug, Tacoma, 1906
#83 Wright Park snow scene, Tacoma, 1905

Snow clings to the branches of relatively low plants in the snow-covered foreground in the image right. A pond is in the image lower left foreground. A footbridge and trees on the pond's edge are in the image centre left background. Two houses are visible on the horizon line above the image center.
#84 Wright Park snow scene, Tacoma, 1905
#85 Sunrise Bakery, 1107 South K Street, Tacoma, 1908
#86 A.J. Nelson and Streetcar No. 37, Tacoma, 1900
#87 Residence at 901 North Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, 1905
#88 Stadium construction, Tacoma, 1909

Stadium High School is visible to the left. Behind the high school to the right is a church tower, several homes, and an apartment building. Down in the stadium construction site, four wagons stand in the lower-left edge of the field. Piles of lumber and other building materials are scattered around the building site. Toward the upper edge of the area are men and horses.
#89 Carstens Packing Company in Tacoma, 1909
#90 Temporary Chapel of Bethany M. E. Church So. 56th & I St. Tacoma, 1905
#91 Two sailing ships in Commencement Bay, Tacoma, 1905
#92 409 North E Street, Tacoma, 1906
#93 Streetcar of the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, 1902
#94 Albers Brothers, Cereal Mills, Tacoma, 1905

The mill was built in 1904, John J. Donnellan, architect. Two horse team drawn delivery wagons are by the main building. A large flag, probably with the company logo, flies from the top of the main building. Two railroad freight cars are partially visible in the image left, next to the main building.
#95 Northern Pacific Beneficial Association Hospital, Tacoma, 1904
#96 Sheard Residence, 509 North Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, 1908
#97 Camp No. 3 St. Paul and Tacoma Lbr. Co., 1908
#98 Tacoma Mill Company Parade Float Returning to Mill, 1900

The float consists of a horizontal log withTMCo, rendered in flowers on the side of the log, on a flatbed wagon. Flowers decorate the area below the log. Two men stand behind the log, and a floral arch is at the end of the float. Horse teams pulling the float are partially visible at the image left edge. The float passes the entrance to a crooked dirt alley in the image center. The backs of a few houses and fences about the alley and a church steeple rise in the left background.
#99 Feist & Bachrach, 934 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1900
#100 Hopkins Drug Store, 957 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1907

Three men wearing suits stand posing, one behind a soda fountain in image right foreground, and the other 2 in the image left. A table with merchandise is in the image center, in the store aisle. A rack of postcards in is image center background. A counter with glass display cases on top extends the length of the store in the image left and in the rear in the image right. A soda fountain is in the image right foreground. A large beverage dispenser sits on the counter near the right image edge, with a container of drinking straws next to it.
#101 Kelly’s Band, Ninth Street and A Street, Tacoma, 1907
#102 Tacoma Railway and Power Company streetcar 181, 1905
#103 Looking North on Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1908
#104 Albert J. Nelson, Streetcar, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Tacoma, 1900

A passenger stands on the streetcar's stairs behind him. Another passenger stands inside the car at the front, looking towards image right. Sign on top of streetcar: St. Helen's and Tacoma Ave. - Old Town. A fire hydrant is at the lower left image corner. St. Peter's Episcopal Church, with vines almost wholly covering the bell tower, is at image right edge.
#105 Chicago Beer Hall, 1356 Commerce Street, Tacoma, 1903
#106 Jefferson Avenue and C Street, Tacoma, 1905

To the left of the center, a one-story brick building with a sign: J.G. Maurmann and Son, Practical Watchmakers, Jewelers. Frame structures possibly house flank this building. The three-story business building to the right of the centre has a sign: Puget Sound Steam Laundry. A horse-drawn delivery wagon for the business is in front. Other frame buildings are near the image right edge.
#107 Parade Float on Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1900
#108 Dickson Brothers, 1120-22 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1908
#109 Average days killing cattle [Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909
#110 St Paul and Tacoma Lbr Co. Camp 5, 1908
#111 Dickson Brothers, Clothing Store, 1120-1122 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1900
#112 Odin T. Otness Home and Family, 3810 South Yakima Avenue, South Tacoma, 1901
#113 Wright Park, Looking north from 6th Avenue, Tacoma, 1900
#114 Merchants’ Delivery Co. Horse-drawn Wagon, Tacoma, 1903
#115 Camp No.3 St Paul and Tacoma Lbr Co., 1908

They are grouped along the railway tracks that cut through this camp's centre. On this track, in the distance, there is a train approaching. One man, the only one in visible, is standing on the trails. In the center, there is a tall flagpole with a United States flag flying on it.
#116 Male and female employees of Rhodes Brothers Department Store, Tacoma, 1900
#117 Another stockyard, one day’s killing [Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909
#118 Showing part of large stockyards Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909
#119 Birschell-Spillman Company carousel, probably Tacoma, 1905
#120 Tacoma Railway and Power streetcar of the Steilacoom line, 1905
#121 Hotel Garfield, 108-111 Puyallup Avenue, Tacoma, 1908

The three-story Hotel Garfield, 108-111 Puyallup Avenue, is in image right, next to a building advertising a tailor, shoes, and baths. Across the Street in the image left, a sign for Hotel Raymond. A sign in the distance: M.J.B. Why? The streets are empty except for a partially visible horse-drawn wagon in the center distance.
#122 View of the left front of Tacoma Railway and Power Company’s streetcar number, 1905
#123 Tacoma Railway and Power streetcar #74 stopped at 9th and Broadway, 1905
#124 Sixth Addition Market, 4529 South M Street, Tacoma, 1900
#125 Sheep feeding, a glue factory, acid tower, tannery & hide house buildings, Carstens Packing Co. Tacoma, 1909
#126 Masonic Temple, 734-726 St. Helen’s Avenue, Tacoma, 1905
#127 Making wiener sausage Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909

They wear white caps on their heads and long aprons. They are making sausages. The finished links hang from metal frames from the ceiling to the left. Men pose to the left and right of the structures. Three additional people are partially visible at another table making sausage on the far right.
#128 Paragon Safety Oil Co., 954 South C Street, Tacoma, 1905
#129 George W. Byrd Residence, Tacoma, 1900

A man and woman are sitting, posing on the covered front porch of the 2-story home, and the woman appears to be holding a newspaper. Laundry is hanging from a clothesline near a shed in the image left. In the image foreground, a wooden fence is along the side of the house. Information written on the reverse and a piece of paper with the image includes: The Byrd family occupied the place until ca. 1920. A few years after Mr Byrd's death, it was sold to Mrs Olson, who later sold it to be used as St. Ann's Home, a Catholic children's home.
#130 Tacoma Railway and Power Company streetcar at 34th and Pacific Ave, 1902
#131 Foss Boat House and Bay, Tacoma, 1908

The Foss Boat House is not identified, but maybe the large building south of the Puyallup River at image centre right edge or a long building at image left edge with the sign: Freight Office. Foliage at the top of the hill from which the photo was taken at the lower left foreground. Freight cars are on four parallel railroad tracks running below the image centre—a bridge with pedestrians walking across in the lower right image.
#132 First Ford, Model B on the Pacific Coast at Tacoma Rose Carnival, 1905

Three women with large hats, one with a parasol, sit in the vehicle, whose wheels, fenders, front, and steering wheel are densely decorated with roses. A man stands beside the car, looking at the photographer. Three other similarly decorated automobiles are seen in the image right from the front, in a row.
#133 House at 1318 Division Avenue, now South Fourth Street, Tacoma, 1906
#134 Portion of dry salt cellars [Carsten Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909

A caption below the image reads "Portion of Dry Salt Cellars". Slabs of salted meat are stacked all over the room. A man wearing a bowler hat and long white coat poses right. A man with a dark moustache and a cap and long apron stands near a cart holding more slabs of meat in the center of the image.
#135 Parade, 1100 Block of South C Street, Tacoma, 1905

Those behind the Band may be wearing a fraternal organization uniform, including helmets. A few pedestrians are on the sidewalks, but not all are watching the parade. Two streetcars and horse-team drawn delivery wagons are on the Street. Sign on the side of the delivery wagon in image right foreground: Wallis & Sons, junk dealers.
#136 Parade Float for D.S. Johnston Co., Pianos & Organs, Tacoma, 1908

The company name is on the top and side of the wagon. Horses and the wagon are decorated with garlands, and U.S. flags fly from the top of the wagon, possibly for an Independence Day parade. Three musicians sit sideways in the wagon, with their faces hidden: 2 are playing the guitars, and 1 plays the mandolin.
#137 Part of stockyards & west side of the plant, Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909

Sizeable white lettering reading "Carstens Packing Co." is visible on the large building in the center of the image. An American flag flies from a tower of the same building. Two refrigerator cars belong to Great Northern and the other to Pacific Northern stand outside the packing plant.
#138 Men’s Clothing Store, 809 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, 1902

From left to right, salespeople posing by the merchandise are Mr L. Benjamin and Mr Barclay. Covered glass cases display boxed items in the image left and hats and caps in the image right. Socks hang from racks above the counter in the image left foreground. Hats are displayed on top of the counter in the image right. Boxes of merchandise are on shelves on both walls extending to the rear of the store.
#139 General office private offices in the rear [Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909
#140 Wallis & Sons Grogkery, Wallis & Sons Furniture, 1524-26 South C Street, Tacoma, 1900
#141 Tacoma Railway and Power Company streetcar No. 65 empty and out of service in the Puyallup yard at 24th Street, 1903
#142 Site Where National Realty Building Will be Built, Tacoma, 1909
#143 LeSourd Memorial Mission of Epworth Church, 1900
#144 George D. Davis Grocery Store, 5320 East H Street, Tacoma, 1905

A man wearing a vest over his shirt and a hat, holding a small piece of paper in his hand, poses, standing at the store entry door. A woman wearing a blouse and skirt, having a small basket, stands nearby. With a pipe in his mouth and a cane in his hand, an older man sits on a chair on the porch in front of the store. Two small boys sit on the edge of the porch, one holding a dog in his arms, the other possibly holding a cabbage, sitting with their legs dangling off the edge. Produce is displayed lying on a shelf outside the store window and in boxes on the shelf. Stacked food cans and bottles are visible inside the store window, also a box of apples.
#145 A view of the right side of Tacoma Railway and Power Company’s streetcar No. 65 in the car house, 1903
#146 Senator Foster’s Residence (112), 1900
#147 Albert J. Nelson and Streetcar, on Bridge over Chambers Creek, Tacoma & Steilacoom Electric Railway, 1900
#148 James Oliver Cronkrite House and Family, 2909 North Eighth Street, Tacoma, 1900
#149 Albert G. Bonner, Photographer, 947 South C Street, Tacoma, 1901

The covered, horse-team drawn delivery wagon for Robert C. Bennetts, Grocer, Pioneer Block, Old Town, obscures Bonner's storefront window. A man poses beside the wagon, holding the horses' reins. The wagon and wheels are decorated with bunting, and flags, probably for Independence Day.
#150 View of City Hall and Elk’s Temple from Samuel Wilkeson, Jr., residence, 1905
#151 Samson Built-Up Columns and Samson Columns Wholesale, 1907
#152 Central Church and Parsonage, 1900
#153 Temporary State House Olympia, 1906

It is a three-story sandstone building with a clock tower. It has numerous conical towers and arched windows. To the right of the building, we can see the corner of Sylvester Park; behind it, the First Presbyterian Church. The photo has been mounted on a linen page with three holes cut for insertion into an album.
#154 Russ Brown and salesmen at Dickson’s Brothers shoe department, 1909
#155 Camp 5 above Patterson Landing, Voigt Creek, 1900
#156 Paystreak, AYPE., 1909
#157 Governor’s Mansion Olympia, 1906
#158 St Paul and Tacoma Lbr Co., 1908
#159 Everybody’s Candy Co. Employees, 1908
#160 Posting an automobile speed ordinance, 1902

A man is standing on the automobile seat with a hammer in his right hand. His left hand is holding up a sign which he is nailing to a utility pole. The sign reads: "Danger $10.00 Fine/for automobiles/running down this hill/faster than 4 miles per hour/Keep to the Right/Tacoma Automobile Club."
#161 Clark’s Transfer and Club Stables, 101 South 8th, 1901
#162 Boat that never missed a trip winter, 1908
#163 Puget Sound Flouring Mills Co, 1900
#164 Olympia Gas Office, 1906
#165 East Fourth St. Olympia, looking west, 1906

Utility poles line both sides of the Street. Commercial establishments are on both sides, including the Commercial House, the Willard Hotel, the Olympic Hotel, the Carlton Hotel, and Taylor's Music Shop. A clapboard building with a bell tower, Columbia Hall, is visible about halfway down the Street.
#166 Women in Japanese costume in Point Defiance Park, Tacoma, 1905
#167 children in the stadium, 1900
#168 Rust Residence (151), 1900
#169 Fourth St. Olympia, 1906

The Street is paved with bricks. One block further down, trolley tracks enter the Street and extend down the middle. A trolley car can be seen in the distance. Utility poles line both sides of the Street. Commercial establishments are on both sides, including the Mottman Building, the Chambers Block and the Oxford Hotel. A clapboard building with a bell tower, the Columbia Hall, is about halfway down on the left.
#170 2nd floor glue factory, evaporators in the rear [Carstens Packing Co., Tacoma, 1909
#171 Cigar Manufacturer, W. M. Mullen, 1900
#172 Albert J. Nelson, #37 and Streetcar on Pacific Avenue, Jefferson Avenue, Center Street Streetcar Run, 1900
#173 East Side School, Chehalis, 1900
#174 Hopkins Brothers, Prescription Druggists and Photo Supplies, 1900
#175 Mrs Crosby’s Home Bakery, 1900
#176 Pacific Avenue Looking North from 13th Street, 1907

Many pedestrians are on the sidewalks, including women, girls and boys. No. 104 streetcar is stopped in image left centre, and people are clustered nearby on the Street. Another cluster of people is by the curb in image right, perhaps waiting for a streetcar. Several delivery wagons are on the Street.
#177 Construction of the Tacoma United States Post Office, Court House, and Customs House, 1909
#178 Construction of the Tacoma United States Post Office, Court House, and Customs House May 1, 1909

This view from the south shows that construction has reached the fourth floor, and the cornice on top of the building is being put in place. A message is written on the wooden fence surrounding the construction site that says "Post No Bills", and close to this are what appears to be two playbills glued to the wall.
#179 Construction of the Tacoma United States Post Office, Court House, and Customs House, 1909
#180 Construction of the Tacoma United States Post Office, Court House, and Customs House March 1, 1909
#181 3rd Ave. James & Cherry, 1901

The Oak Leaf Saloon, located at 611 3rd Avenue, is left. Posters (ephemera) on the far gone and to the right of the saloon advertise a baseball game to be played between Seattle and Tacoma on July 4 at the Athletic Field. Another poster advertises the Madison Park appearance of Pawnee Jim's Wild West Show, a competitor of Buffalo Bill Cody's shows. The building farthest right also has a Pawnee Jim advertisement.