
Unleashing the Terror: Historic Photos of Sydney in Bubonic Plague of 1900

The Bubonic Plague, also known as the Black Death, was a highly contagious and deadly disease that swept through Sydney in the early 20th century. The disease is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, primarily spread through infected fleas’ bite. The first outbreak of the Bubonic Plague in Sydney occurred in January 1900, and the disease quickly spread through the city’s rat-infested slums.

The disease was highly contagious and could spread rapidly from person to person, leading to widespread panic and fear in the city. The New South Wales government quickly imposed a range of measures to try to control the spread of the disease, including quarantining infected individuals and fumigating buildings. Despite these efforts, the disease continued to spread, and by the end of 1900, there had been over 100 reported cases of Bubonic Plague in Sydney.

The impact of the Bubonic Plague on Sydney was significant in terms of the number of people affected and the economic consequences. Many businesses were forced to close, and there was widespread unemployment and poverty due to the disease. The government also struggled to cope with the demands of the outbreak, and there was significant public criticism of the government’s handling of the situation.

Despite these challenges, the government eventually succeeded in controlling the Bubonic Plague. By 1902, the number of reported cases of the disease had declined significantly, and by 1904, the outbreak was officially declared over. The experience of the Bubonic Plague in Sydney was a significant turning point in the city’s history, and it helped to shape the way that future public health crises were managed.

#12 Stables in Stephen-street, at rear of No. 26 Wexford-street

#15 Rear of unidentified butcher’s yard with adjacent outhouses

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Written by Benjamin Grayson

Former Bouquet seller now making a go with blogging and graphic designing. I love creating & composing history articles and lists.

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