
Stunning Historical Photos Of Atlantic City From 1900s

Atlantic City is a resort city with a population of around 40,000, near the southern tip of New Jersey. The first boardwalk was built in the 1870s along a portion of the beach stretches along four miles of the Jersey shore. The city’s golden age was the 1920s when federal law made both gambling and alcohol illegal. After that hotels, resort properties After that hotel, resort properties. The first fifteen years of the 20th century saw massive economic growth. Prohibition was largely unenforced in Atlantic City, hotels, and restaurants openly served liquor. After World War Two ended, the economy of the Atlantic city collapsed. By the 1960s, Atlantic City was in disrepair, hotels and resorts were being demolished. The town became plagued with poverty, crime, and corruption. In 1976 a legislation was passed, which legalized gambling; however, tourism remains the mainstay of the economy.

Here below are some historical photographs of old Atlantic City at the beginning of the 20th century.

#1 The Boardwalk and Hotel Shelburne, Atlantic City circa 1910

#2 Brighton Casino, Atlantic City. The Jersey Shore circa 1905

#6 Steeplechase Pier and Boardwalk, Atlantic City, 1910

#12 Hotel Chalfonte and Boardwalk, Atlantic City, 1907

#15 The bathing hour, Atlantic City, The Jersey Shore in 1904

#16 Beach bathers and Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, circa 1905

#17 The Boardwalk and Auditorium Pier, Atlantic City, 1901

#18 Boardwalk at Green’s Hotel, Atlantic City, 1904

#19 Pennsylvania Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1904

#20 Boardwalk and Hotel Chalfonte. Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1904

#22 A life saver on the lookout, Atlantic City, New Jersey, circa 1905

#25 Marlborough-Blenheim hotel and Boardwalk, Atlantic City, 1908

#26 Boardwalk and big hotels, Atlantic City circa 1906

#27 St. Charles and Rudolf hotels, Atlantic City, 1910

#30 Hotel Chalfonte and Boardwalk, Atlantic City circa 1905

#31 The Islesworth and Virginia Avenue, Atlantic City, 1901

#32 Young’s Hotel and Boardwalk, Atlantic City, 1904

#34 Seaside Hotel (Seaside House), Atlantic City circa 1907

#35 Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel, Atlantic City, The Jersey Shore circa 1905

#37 Hotel Dennis, The Atlantic City Boardwalk circa 1908

#38 Shelburne, Dennis and Marlborough-Blenheim hotels, Atlantic City, New Jersey, circa 1908

#39 A sand man, Atlantic City, The Jersey Shore circa 1906

#41 Atlantic City bathers peering a century into the future, 1906

#42 Grand Atlantic Hotel, Atlantic City, New Jersey, circa 1905

#44 Virginia Avenue from the Boardwalk, Atlantic City, 1908

#45 Hotel Windsor and Boardwalk, Atlantic City, New Jersey, circa 1906

#46 Ponies on the beach at Atlantic City, The Jersey Shore circa 1905

#47 The bathing hour, Atlantic City. The Jersey Shore circa 1908

#48 The Shelburne, Michigan Avenue at Boardwalk, Atlantic City circa 1905

#49 Bathing beach and Steeplechase Pier. Atlantic City circa 1908

#50 Surf bathers at beach, possibly Atlantic City, 1910

#51 Surf bathers at crowded beach, Atlantic City, 1910

#52 Atlantic City bathing beach and Steeplechase Pier, 1908

#57 On the beach at Atlantic City, The Jersey Shore circa 1905

#62 Virginia Avenue strollers (and rollers) in Atlantic City, New Jersey, circa 1905.

#63 Rolling chairs on the Boardwalk, Atlantic City. The Jersey shore circa 1906

#67 Steeplechase Pier and bathers, Atlantic City, 1904

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Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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  1. For the time period, the picture quality is amazing. In fact, even the oldest cameras I’ve seen use tiny little film negatives. Just imagine carrying around panes of glass the size of printer paper for your negatives! Back then, photography was an amazing science. It’s as easy as whipping out your cell phone and snapping a picture.

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