
Life Beneath the Deafening Roar of Airplanes near Logan International Airport, Boston, 1970s

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hired freelance photographers for its Documerica Project (1971-1977). They documented environmental issues, EPA activities, and everyday life in the 1970s. Michael Philip Manheim was one of nearly one hundred photographers hired for the project. His assignment was to document the noise pollution crisis in the East Boston neighborhood surrounding Neptune Road.

Manheim captured impressive images of the community, illustrating the uncomfortable proximity to one of the nation’s busiest airports and the hardships of residents who live under the jets’ landing paths near Logan.

#1 Near Logan Airport – Airplane Coming in for Landing Over Frankfort Street at Lovell Street Intersection, 1973

#2 Jet Zooms Over Southwestern Side of Neptune Road, 1973

#3 Near Logan Airport – Airplane Coming in for a Landing Over Neptune Road Backyards, 1973

#4 Lovell Street Homes in Jet Aircraft Landing Pattern, 1973

#5 Mary Bruno Holds Her Ears Against Noise of Jet Coming in for a Landing on Runway 15r at Logan Airport.

Mary Bruno Holds Her Ears Against Noise of Jet Coming in for a Landing on Runway 15r at Logan Airport.

39 Neptune Road, the Brunos' Home, Is the White-Fronted Building in the Background, 1973

#7 From the Rear Porch of His Home at the Southern Corner of Neptune and Lovell Streets, Larry Vienza Watches Jet Take Off from Runway 15r-33l.

#8 Looking to the Northwest from the Center of Neptune Road, 1973

#9 Near Logan Airport – Airplane Coming in for a Landing Over Neptune Road Homes, 1973

#11 Looking Northeast Toward the Neptune Road Area – Airplane Descending for Landing at Logan Airport,1973

#12 These Point Shirley Homes on Wintrop Shore Drive Are in Landing Pattern for Logan Airport’s Runway, 1973

#13 Constitution Beach – Within Sight and Sound of Logan Airport’s Takeoff Runway, 1973

#14 Constitution Beach – Within Sight and Sound of Logan Airport’s Takeoff Runway, 1973

#15 Constitution Beach – Within Sight and Sound of Logan Airport’s Takeoff Runway, 1973

#16 Logan Airport Area. Little League Game on Land Loaned by Massport (Massachusetts Port Authority) near Bennington Street East Boston’s Main Thoroughfare.

Logan Airport Area. Little League Game on Land Loaned by Massport (Massachusetts Port Authority) near Bennington Street East Boston's Main Thoroughfare.

Some Local Citizen Leaders Consider This to Be Part of a Public Relations Campaign by Massport on Behalf of Its Continuing Inroads into the Neighborhood, 1973

#17 Constitution Beach, on Boston Harbor – An Excellent Vantage Point for Viewing Logan Airport, 1973

#18 Looking North from the 16th Floor Observation Deck at Logan Airport. The Airplane Is Coming in for a Landing Over the Neptune Road Area, 1973

Written by Aung Budhh

Husband + Father + librarian + Poet + Traveler + Proud Buddhist. I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life.

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